[First Season] [Second Season]

There are some great lines from the Monkees.  Also included are bloopers, little comments, and whatever else I want to say about a particular show.  Submissions are accepted in the form down at the bottom.  Enjoy!

How many people sit there with a pad of paper taking notes when they watch eppies?  Well, at least one...

It's a Nice Place to Visit

Davy: Angelita?  That means little angel, doesn't it?
Angelita: Yes.  What does David mean?
Mike: David means business, baby.

(I think this is the right eppie for this one:)
Mike: Look, man! You've been challenged! What are you gonna do?
Micky: What am I gonna do? Micky Dolenz in a challenge? What do you think I'll do?
Mike: You're gonna split!
Micky: Right!

The Picture Frame

The baby picture is the same one they used in Monkees Marooned.  I think it's baby Davy.
Rainbow at The Library of Babyface Morales doth correct me:  It's baby Micky.  (Awwww...!)

Vote Innocent.

Hee hee hee... Watch Mike during the Randy Scouse Git Video.  Priceless!

Everywhere a Sheik Sheik

Huh, trusting leadership of your country to Davy Jones.  Go figure.

Hee hee hee...  I love it when Micky keeps knocking off Mike's general hat.

This episode also contains a fine example of Davy-dancing during the Cuddly Toy video.  That chick in the green dress is an impressive dancer, too.  (I mean this in a rather sarcastic way.)
On repeat watching, she flashes her undies at the camera while she dances.  (Unintentionally, I'm sure.)

Submitted by Jessica:
I'm sorry I can't stand that girl. My best friend and I call her the pig lady (look at her nose) she ruined Cuddly Toy for me 4-ever.
Ed Note: Watch the Cuddly Toy video on Monkees on the Wheel, then.  That one has some adorable Davy-dancing, too.
I ***love*** the song Cuddly Toy!

Monkee Mayor

Heavy on Mike, so it's a groovy episode, but the plot could be better.

Art, For Monkees Sake


I rather like Mike without his hat before he got his hair cut shorter.  (Another fine example is Monkees on the Line, when he wakes up at Urgent Answering Service.)  He certainly looks good in all black...

I just love when Peter and Mike are pretending to be hummingbirds or something during the romp.  Freakin' hilarious!

Micky describes Peter as being blond with blue eyes.  Peter has brown eyes.

Submitted by Amanda-Michelle:
 Notice how when they're sneeking around in the gallery, Micky keeps making cat noises (i.e. meowing), because he IS the Los Angeles Leopard!  It's sexy...  I also love when they're comming down the rope ladder. You can see Mike's tummy, then Pete's whole body with all his muscles, and Micky's adorable little body. I rewound this about 50 times the first time I saw it!
GCF- I love that part!!!  Both of those, actually.  In Peoria, he's known as the Panther Man.  Shhhh... Peter, catlike... I like it when Peter meows, too.  It's kind of like his cow impression on Hitting the High Seas.

I Was a 99 Pound Weakling

Okay, I don't want to seem ignorant of my Monkees history, but just where was Mike?  Anyone know?

That blond muscle-y guy was really gross looking.  I mean, after a certain amount of body building, it just looks disgusting.  Plus, it makes his head look like it's the size of a tennis ball.  And the bleach blond hair...  Icky.

"I wish Mike were here."

Grrrr... I hate Shah-Ku.

Submitted by Twiggy Git:
I'm pretty sure the reason why mike wasn't in this one is 'cuz he was having his tonsils out.

Ed. Reply: Mike had his tonsils out in May of '67... and here I was going to say that this was filmed after that, but lo and behold, this ep was filmed in... May of '67.  Damn.  You're right.  And I spent so much time convinced that Twiggy Git was wrong.  Well, isn't that dumb?

Hillbilly Honeymoon [Double Barrel Shotgun Wedding]

Mike: Welcome to Swineville, Peter, a happy, sleepy, little hillbilly town where seemingly innocent, nice, naive people turn just like that *snaps
fingers* to a vengeful, hateful mob!
Peter: How do you know that?
Mike: Because these are my people.

Judd: You know about marriage?
Peter: I sure do.  Here's a picture of my present wife.
Judd: That there's a bear.
Peter: Oh, that's my girlfriend. This here's my present wife.
Judd: That there's a coyote.
Peter: Well, it gets lonesome in the hills.
Judd: Oh...

Micky: Let's try this one more time.  What's this?
Judd: It's a.... spoon!
Micky: And what do we do with it?
Judd: We... eat with it!
Micky: Right!  What's this?
Judd: That's a... fork!
Micky: And what do we do with it?
Judd: We eat with it!
Micky: Right!  Last one.  What's this?
Judd: That's a knife.
Micky: And what do we do with it?
Judd: We... stab out blindly at those who would make us eat with a fork and spoon!

Good episode.  Micky plays a pretty mean pig!

Monkees Marooned

(Talking over each other)
Peter: Michael, did you hear that, did you hear that?
Mike: Hear what, hear what?
Peter: The rifle shot!  It was a rifle shot!
Mike: Oh, I heard that.

Micky: Hey man, if that was a rifle shot, that means there's someone on this island tryin' to kill us.
Davy: Nah, this is a deserted island.  It was probably just a car backfiring.

Thursday:  Has it been ten years, sir?
Major Pshaw: Yes, ten years.  And the only good day was that Tuesday I hired you, Thursday.  Yes, you're a magnificent man Friday, Thursday.  You've made every day a Sunday, Thursday.

Mike: Micky?  Davy?  Guys?
Micky: Yeah, Mike?
Mike: Huh?  What are you doing back there?
Micky: We're hiding behind you.
Mike:  That's silly.  If they find me, they find you!
Micky, Davy, and Peter: You're right!  Hide Mike!  Hide Mike!

Micky: No, Davy, we can't use your hand.  It's in meters, man.

Anyone else notice what's going on behind Peter when he's talking to the man with the map?

Card Carrying Red Shoes

Peter: Don't worry, Natasha; I won't let them take you away. I'll fight to the death to protect you!
Davy: But Peter, she's a big star! This could lead to an international incident... maybe war! The whole world could be destroyed!
Peter: Don't worry. If the whole world is destroyed, I'll take the responsibility.
Micky: With a little more ego, he can be President!

Isn't it amazing how well Micky can fit in to Natasha Pablova's Chicken Lake costume?  And he's such a great dancer.

Micky: Pretty good for a long-weirdo, huh, America?

Submitted by Jessica:
Are Natasha and Ms Cartwright the same girl? I know Natasha's real name is Ondine Vaughn.
Ed note:  They're not.  Valerie Cartwright is played by Lisa James.

Submitted by Kate:
Micky:  I don't wanna be a chicken, I don't wanna be a chicken.  I'm a chicken, I'm a chicken.
I love that line, hee hee.

Submitted by Sue:
Peter is referred to by Natasha as "the face".
Peter:  "It's me, Face!"

The Wild Monkees

Davy: Ahh!  Don't kill me!  Please don't kill me!
Kill me, kill me, kill me some more, yeah!

Queenie: You're cute!
Davy: Thank heavens, so are you.

Peter: A loaf of wine, a jug of bread, and thou beside me in the wilderness...

Mike: Would I like to see a picture of the male I most remind you of?  Of course, of course! .... It's a cocker spaniel!
(I just love the way Mike says "Of course, of course!")

Mike: But, how many members of your group can in fact lay eggs?

In Head, Davy tell the boxer (Sonny Liston) that he has a million dollar face.  So why is he stupid enough to do dangerous things on a motorcycle?
(The same thing goes for Monkees on Tour)

Submitted by Amanda-Michelle:
Notice how when Michael is with his biker girl, he slightly leans his head to hers. It's so subtle, but it kills me every time!

A Coffin Too Frequent

They say they're in the wrong beds... but they end up in the same place they started.  Hmm...

Davy: We'll witness things that never even happened!
Mike:  You tell 'em, Tiny!
Davy: *mirthless laugh*

Micky: Asprin in disguise?  I don't believe it.
Mike: Well, I do, and I also get it.  He gives us the pill and we believe Elmer came back from the dead.  We also see pretty colors and things climbing up the walls...  Boy, I bet you see a lot of things.

Is that guy with the goatee the same person who played Ronnie Farnsworth?  They kind of look like each other.

You know, Mike repeatedly strums his tie during the Daydream Believer video.

Submitted by NeLLiE:
Yes, the guy who plays Ronnie is also the guy who plays goatee man (heehee) in this episode.  This guy has some obsession with chewing and twisting handkerchiefs and capes!!  Crazy.....and they say Monkees is ze craziest people!!  True, but I think that guys is right up there too!! :) j/k

Hitting the High Seas

Peter (on being accused of impersonating a parrot):  I can't even do a good cow!  Moo?

Tear the Top Right Off My Head!  Quite a groovy little duet.

Mike really did have sea-sickness.  That's why he's gone for most of the episode.

Monkees in Texas

Peter: Bang!  Bang!  Bang bang bang!
Davy: What is all this "bang bang" stuff?
Peter: Well, I hate violence, and besides, I have more shells than you.  Bang!

Peter: What do you mean "we", white man?

Micky:  What does "Kimosabe" mean, anyway?
Peter: Hehehehehe, don't ask.

Assayer:  I can tell you what it is right now.  It's gook, and it's dee-sgusting.  Get it out of here.
Mike: Oh, okay...  Wait a minute, I need to know what this is.
Assayer: Oh, all right.  It's crude.
Mike: Well, um, that's all right, you can tell me anyway.

Submitted by Jessica:
Black Bart: Had enough, Nesters?
Mike: The name is Nesmith, and if you're gonna yell it out here in the middle of the war, get it right, that's NESMITH...Z-P-L-Q-R-A...
Peter: I thought Mike's name was Nester.

Submitted by Caroline at The Depths of Caroline's Mind:
Mr Cartwheel (to Davy):Go water my horse.
Davy: Go water your horse? I'm not a stable boy!
Mr Cartwheel: I don't care about your mental condition, go water my horse!
LOL! Cracks me up every time... I also LOVE it when Mike says "Ho ho" in the bit where Aunt Kate says they might be killed.

Monkees on the Wheel

Zelda (the girl with Micky) is the bank teller from the Picture Frame.

Mike: Sort of your regular **Micky's voice dubbed over** tourist activities.

*What* is hanging from the end of Peter's pencil?  Anyone?

Again, other Cuddly Toy video is in this eppie.

Monkee Christmas Show

How many times is Melvin going in toss his glasses off in the romp-ette?

OMG, did anyone else notice how Davy and Micky sang "don we now our gay apparel"?  I am shocked!  (Well, not that much, but still...)
AND-  Davy called that one guy on the crew a "poof".  Shame on Davy.

Submitted by Christie McDaniel:
The Monkees also sing "Riu Chiu" an old Spanish Christmas Carol In this Episode.

Fairy Tale

Isn't she lovely?

I love it when Davy pokes himself in the side of the head with his scissors at the beginning.

Mike: Wow, what a body!  And that hair, those sideburns!

Davy: I'll sew you a... send you a suit in the mail.
Fairy: Yeah.

Fairy: You shall collect unemployment while your friends are working.

Corrected by Rainbow at The Library of Babyface Morales:
Fairy: But you mustn't drop, or lose, or crush the locket.
Micky: Ah, 'cause then it loses it's power, right?
Fairy: No, stupid, 'cause I'll be killed.  It's my home.

Peter: ...her spirit unbroken...

Goldilocks (Micky): I'm being chased by the two bears!
Davy (I think): Two bears?  I thought there were three
Goldilocks (Micky): Yeah, well, the Papa bear kinda wanted me to hang around (wink, nudge)

Gwen (Mike): Defending my honor, isn't that groovy...

My favorite episode.  I think Mike makes a better princess than any of the others.

Submitted by Amanda-Michelle:
 Mike: "Ask her to marry you, man!"
 Micky: "Right!"
 Peter: "Will you marry me?"
 Mike as Gwen: "No I won't marry you!"
 Peter: "Why not?"
 Mike as Qwen: "Because I'm already married! You know, Phyllis and
Christian and my little kids" (removing his fake eyelashes and wig)
 Mike: "Oh what a bummer man! She's married!"

Monkees Watch Their Feet

The flag in the intro only has 35 stars.

RoboMicky: I've got a little blender waiting for me back on Zlotnik.

The Monstrous Monkee Mash

Davy:  What a kiss!  I've never felt this way before!
Lorilei: You fool!  It is not my kiss, but the magic necklace!
Davy: What a necklace!  I've never felt this way before!

Micky:  Don't go, Mike!  I'll have to become a single! Blud-duh-dum!  Here I come..... walking down the street.....  I get the funniest looks from.... everyone I meet....  Hey hey I'm a Monkee.......

Submitted by Anonymous:
Don't you just love Mike's thick accent when he's whispering when he's decending the stairs and thinks Micky's there but he's not (didja get that)?  Well, I do.  "I sure would be scared if I was all alone."
GCF: Yes!  I *love* that!  Especially how Mike tends to say it like 'skeered'.  Heehee.

The Monkees Paw

Mendrick (Micky): I've come to see the High Lama.
Regular Lama (Mike): Oh, well, you can't.  He's out back, sleepin' it off.
Mendrick (Micky): You don't mean!?
Regular Lama (Mike): 'Course I do.  How do you think he got his name?

Micky:  Now, crayon I can say!

Submitted by Amanda-Michelle:
Watch Davy during this whole episode, he's so high and he keeps making the most hilarious facial expressions. It also cracks me up when the spaghetti falls on Micky and Davy says, "Mmm! Spage'i!" and then eats it.  Also when they're talking about Micky singing with his feet and Davy says, "Go toe, go! Sock it to me! *That's a pun.*" Freaking hilarious!

The Devil and Peter Tork


Mike: Guess I'll go talk to Billy-poo, there.

Classic.  I love the way they run during the Romp.  (Hands up near the chin, kind of rodent-y, reminds me a bit of squirrels.  Also seen in The Case of the Missing Monkee)

Monkees Race Again [or Leave the Driving To Us]

T. N. Crumpets...  Tea and Crumpets... I just got that.  I've watched this ep two, three times at least., and I only *just* got that.  Can you believe it?

At one point, Mike and Peter switch scenes several times.  They leave one room wearing those tan jacket, enter another room wearing coveralls, then go back to the original room wearing coveralls again!

Monkees in Paris

I hated this episode!  A lot!  Bo-oring!  Plus that chick is always hanging off of Mike and I get unreasonably jealous.

The Monkees Mind Their Manor

Very odd in places.

The lamp thing is a running joke almost worthy of Python.

It's amazing Kibbey's car even drives, considering that it's essentially a giant flask of alcohol.

Submitted by Christy McDaniel:
Davy: I feel silly in this outfit!

Submitted by Rainbow at The Library of Babyface Morales:
And who could forget: Davy singing "Greensleeves"??? Beautiful!

Some Like it Lukewarm

Davy does make a good girl.  I'm amazed that he could walk in those high heels, let alone with his ankles tied together.  I don't think I could do that.

Why, oh, why did Davy take his drag stuff to the resturant?  And his shoe fell out of his shopping bag, then when he's hiding in bed at home, he's wearing the one shoe.  Arrrgh.

Submitted by Erin:
I agree that the ep is illogical. It's also the second one where a guy hits on one of the Monkees when he's dressed in drag.
QUOTE: Davy: "One more remark like that and I'll hit you with me purse." Classic!
Also, notice Davy tries to hit the contest manager at least three times in this episode. Once before they sing "Door into Summer" and twice at the Pad.
QUOTE: Micky: "I think he's kind of cute."
Peter: "You would."

Monkees Blow Their Minds

Zappa!  (With the hat and eight-button shirt, and everything...!)

My least favorite Monty Landis character is Oraculo.  (I don't care for Shah-ku and Zekenbush, either.  I don't like those episodes as much.)

Some suspicious smoke emerges from the box containing Rudy toward the beginning.

Why, oh why, is Davy's hand on Micky's thigh right before the Valleri romp?

Submitted by Brandi from Monkeelove.homestead.com:
 Um, this is a little hard to explain, but when Dr. Oraculo has already gained control of Peter's mind and they're about to go on, you know, when they're backstage and Oraculo's giving Peter directions, you can see Mike put his guitar on and adjust the amp, but when it cuts to a view of the stage just before Peter goes on, it shows him putting his guitar on again and adjusting the amp. (I hope that made sense)

Submitted by Jeanie
I've always wondered, how did they get all of Frank Zappa's hair into Mike's hat? Also, I must be behind or something, cause, after the Monkees have all been brainwashed, Micky and Davy are messing up his performance. Why is this?
Ed Note:  Do you mean when Oraculo has included all the Monkees in his act?  Oraculo's first assistant, played by Jim Frawley, slaps Micky gently.  Micky slaps the rest of them and they come out of their trances.  ("Don't do that" "Don't do that" "Thanks Mick")

Submitted by Christie McDaniel:
This is one of the episodes where the Monkees hum "Song of the Volga Boatmen", as well as the only episode to include the second version of "Valleri".

Mijacogeo [The Frodis Caper]

Micky: I hate to see a grown bush cry!

Why does Mike sleep in black clothes with gloves on?  And sunglasses?

When they're struggling to get out of the phone booth, you can see that it doesn't have any glass in it.

Submitted by Jessica:
Love that Tim Buckley!

Submitted by Lyra Silvertongue:
When Mike, Micky, and Davy were captured, (Peter dragged along since he was in a trance), and they challenge the guy that's guarding them to play cards. After Micky suggests that they could play for the key and the guard guy says he can't, in the shot of Mike and Micky, Mike sticks his tongue out for a brief second.

Ed:  Oooh, I love it when Mike sticks his tongue out at people!

[First Season] [Second Season]
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