Random Monkee Thoughts
A place for things that have no place... yet.
New stuff is added to the bottom, to make life oh so much easier on me.
I took a buncha stuff out and put it on this page (Random Monkee Stuff).
As always, email me or use the feedback button to tell me what you think.

Mike never dances.  Just watch "Your Friendly Neighborhood Kidnappers" during Let's Dance On.  Micky, Davy, and Peter are jumping around, dancing even though they're tied up.  Mike stands by himself on the edge of the party and does nothing.

I personally don't blame him.  I mean, just try to imagine Mike dancing at the Vincent Van Gogh Gogh to a fast song.
*insane giggles*
Fuzzy (German Chickies) adds:
Just imagine him doing the famous Davy Jones Shuffle - ROTFL! But he dances with his Mommy in "Dance Monkees Dance", or at least he is trying to.
Me again:
Oh, God.  Mike, Davy-dancing.  I can't....  Oh!  I just...  I don't think I can even IMAGINE that.  Okay, I can, and it is funny, but also maybe a teensy bit disturbing.
I've met Micky Dolenz.  Have you?
Horror of horrors.  My mother has visited my site.  With all her coworkers looking over her shoulder.
I wonder why Monkeemaniacs take pride in the ability to "Davy Dance".
(No comment)
Jeff Geddis:
Wowie zowie, he's almost as nice as Mike.
Actually, he's not.  But he's not that bad.  I like his hair.
Seriously, on Daydream Believers, he had GREAT hair.  I mean, really good...  Gosharooney!
check out www.jeffgeddis.com
Let's dance on, oh baby come on, let's dance on 'til the dawn have fun 'til the music's all gone.
I think I've perfected my "Don't do that."
Now, this may sound hostile and unreasonable, but I HATE HATE HATE it when people put an "e" in Micky's name!  THERE IS NO "E" IN MICKY'S NAME!  Except for "Dolenz".
And "George".
And "Michael".
Shut up.
Okay, doesn't ANYONE notice that MOST of the Mosiqa buttons say MONKESS top 100?  I fixed the Mike one and had it up for a while, but then I drew my best Mike ever and made my own button.  So there.
Betsy, the secretary in my Mom's office called Pleasant Valley Sunday "that song about mowing the lawn".
*sigh*  After a while, the word "Monkey" just looks wrong.  Wrong, wrong, wrong.  I also forgot how to spell "Monkeys", and had to ask my mom.
Jack Nicholson scares me.  And I haven't even seen The Shining.  He's scary simply in commercials.  And as the Joker, even though I haven't watched a Batman movie in years.  I dreamt I did, though.  Huh.  Anyway, I keep thinking of Jack because I've been listening to the HEAD soundtrack with my new stereo, which eliminates the skip in As We Go Along.  Yay!
Did Jeff Geddis not have the COOLEST hair in Daydream Believers?  The COOLEST!  Oh, man, if that was his real hair... *drool*.
Don't I feel like an idiot.  I hurt myself dancing to Papa Gene's Blues.  Yesterday, I could barely walk.
Right.  So, I deleted some stuff that wastn't funny.  I'll try harder, I swear.
Ummmm, I'm reading Total Control.  (Anyone who wants to email me about that, feel free.  Hell, feel free to email me anyway.)
Anyway, it says that Davy was nearly Patty Duke.  Yep: Identical cousins!  They nearly gave that one to Davy... Can you imagine?
*snicker* Just watched Davy on Sabrina, The Teenage Witch.  If you haven't seen it, its... interesting.
In going back over my Monkee dreams, it strikes me as incredibly funny that I actually dreamed about a cowboy named 'Billy'.
Micky's got a dirty mind.  I just about fell off the couch when I was watching the Heart and Soul video and he said something about not wanting to "blow your wad, so to speak" before getting on camera.  Plus the whole "Magic Glasses" thing in the Justus Video.  Humph.
Not that I don't like Micky.  He's my second fave.
These old TiGER BEATs have atrocious spelling and punctuation.  It's awful.  Just awful.
Mike is sexilicious in the Crusin' video on Elephant Parts.  Thought you might like to know.
I just saw the most recent photos of Nez.  Damn!  What happened?
I mean, he still looked pretty good on the Neftoon Zamora dust jacket.  *wince*  I'm sorry, Nez, I love you to death, but... Damn!  Go back to the facial hair, dude.  Scratch that... go back to the beard.  You'd just look freaky with a moustache.
I do admit to being a bit in shock...  Maybe I'll warm up to his current appearance.  I can't wait for his new album.
I kind of feel like watching Daydream Believers again to get rightously angry at all the little innaccuracies.  And Spev is right:  "Davy"'s hair is awful.  It looks like they found something dead in the road.
There are three celebrities I love: Michael Nesmith, for obvious reasons; Michael Palin, because he's cute and has an accent and is hilarious; and Rowan Atkinson because of Blackadder II.  I think the Blackadder series is great...  If I weren't a fairly nice person, I'd be more like Edmund.  He's mean and sarcastic and not all that bad looking.  Although my two Michaels are the ones I giggle over.  Rowan is more admired than loved.
I completely recant what I said earlier about what Mike looks like now, because I've just had to viciously defend Mike's appearance in the '90s (I think he still looks pretty good) to my asshole of a father.  He had no right to make fun of the Monkees.  Michael has more talent and good looks at all points in his life than my stupid, arrogant, wannabe musician father ever will.  (I'm a little angry.)
I think I've watched Daydream Believers enough times that Jeff Geddis looks like Mike to me.  A little.  I LOVE it when Jeff tells L.B. Fisher "Whatever, Peter, it's a little too cosmic for me."  Heeheehee.
I now have 277 pictures of Mike on my hard drive, not counting pictures with other Monkees in them.  Sad obsessy little girl am I.
Oh merciful heavens, there is a guy in some of my classes that looks like Nez's lovechild.  He's that hot.  He's even got a mole on the side of his neck... *swoony* I guess you can tell that I stare at him a lot.  I mean, wouldn't you, if a vaguely Nez-ish boy was in the same room as you every day?  Oh my my.
Watched HEAD again, and this time another girl watched it with me.  She's not a Monkee fan, but she loved the movie, and laughed at the right parts.  She is now one of the coolest people I know.  She'd even heard of it before!
So, neither I nor any of my Monkee-buddies have seen this fiance of Micky's that I've vaguely heard about.  I am desperately curious.
Guys I am in love with:  Mike Nesmith, Jimmy Fallon, Jeremy Northam, Jeff Geddis, Michael Palin, Colin Firth (only in A&E's Pride & Prejudice)
The trend:  Guys with longish, dark hair.  I'm sure there are other connections, but that's the "type" I've noticed myself admiring.
The Wichita Train Whistle Sings rocks the casbah.  I love it.  I love it lots.  Videoranch is my favorite cash vacuum.
Ebay is starting to creep up, though.  I've bought a shirt, a CD-ROM, and a guitar book off searches for 'monkees' and a copy of the Beatles' HELP! movie.
Naughty me.
Damn!  They tried so hard to make Mike the oldest, it's amazing that Peter knows when his own birthday is.  I've seen 1942 (correct), 1943, and most recently 1944 listed as Peter's birthday, all in RAYBERT APPROVED ORIGINAL MATERIALS!  Or TiGER BEAT, come to think of it.  It's so weird.  And why do they feel compelled to put Mike's weight in things?  It's in this guitar book I recently bought and Belle's copy of Flip's Guide to the Groovy Guys.